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Registered Office

Company Number: 01309589

Status Liquidation
Date of Incorporation 21/04/1977
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Company Type Private Limited Company
Nature of Business (SIC(03)) None Supplied
Accounting Reference Date N/A
Last Accounts Made Up To 31/05/1986 (FULL)
Next Accounts Due 31/01/1989 (OVERDUE)
Last Return Made Up To 07/09/1987
Next Return Due 21/09/2016 (OVERDUE)
Last Members List 07/09/1987
Previous Names
No previous name information has been recorded over the last 20 years.
UK Establishment Details
There are no UK Establishments associated with this company.
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Where accountants buy from Freephone 0800 085 45 05
Landline 0161 798 9999
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